The 4th and final Transnational Project Meeting of READ-IN-CLUB was held in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, the place where the project partner Slovene Writers Association had their headquarters and who was in charge of organizing it. This meeting took place on the 25th - 26th of January 2023, at the premises of the hosting organization. Representatives of almost all partners were there and particularly, the project coordinator from CulturePolis, 2 project managers from SWA, 1 representative of HFC, the legal representative of SANDORF Publishing and the project manager of ITStudy. The project manager of IED was not able to be physically present but she fully participated via digital means.
The scope of the meeting was for partners to review the overall implementation of the project, reflect on the achievements and the lessons learned, discuss the sustainability of the project and elaborate on the final steps that needed to be done in order to officially close up the READ-IN-CLUB. The meeting ended with the project team celebrating their accomplishments. The celebration helped READ-IN-CLUB team members formally recognize the project’s end and brought closure to the work they had done. It also encouraged them to start thinking about how their experiences will benefit them and their organization during the next projects or initiatives.