On January 15th, A.B.IED organized an info day to present the READ-IN club project. The project aims to enhance the skills and digital upskilling of reading club coordinators, with the goal of creating a more engaging and enriching experience for club members. The event was attended by 23 participants, including reading club members and moderators, and was held in person.
During the event, all deliverables were presented and attendees were informed about the project's goals and objectives. The presentation was well-received, and participants showed great interest in the project. They were eager to learn more about the benefits of the READ-IN club project and how it could help them improve their reading club activities.
The event provided an excellent opportunity for attendees to connect with other reading club members and moderators. They were able to share their experiences and discuss ways in which they could collaborate to achieve their goals. The participants were also able to ask questions and receive feedback from the project coordinators.
The success of the info day is a testament to the importance of the READ-IN club project. By enhancing the skills and digital upskilling of reading club coordinators, the project has the potential to create a more engaging and enriching experience for club members. It is clear that there is a great deal of interest in the project, and we are excited to see how it will continue to develop and grow.
In conclusion, the READ-IN club project is a valuable initiative that has the potential to create positive change in the reading club community. The info day organized by A.B.IED was a great success, and we look forward to seeing the project continue to evolve and benefit reading clubs around the world.